How to tame school kids’ temptation to alter or ‘lose’ their exam report cards

Sikizi for Schools Overview
September 22, 2018
5 Tips to a Successful Teacher-Parent Communication
October 24, 2018

It is almost conventional for every child to feel ashamed of poor performance in school hence the apparent norm that any disappointing exam results have a tendency to ‘disappear’ when school kids are on their way home.

Fortunately for parents/guardians and unfortunately for the kids, technology has come in to save the situation – examination results and any other information that needs to reach the parents reaches them through their mobile phones.

As a parent or guardian, you only need to request the school to always keep you up-to-date with what you need to know about your child including their performance report by sending you a text message to your phone. It is effective, fast and low cost.

This helps you keep track of your child’s progress in school and in return, you are able to understand their strengths, weak points hence having a clear knowledge on how best you can mentor and help them step up their performance in school. Such accountability also helps the child to work hard so that they can impress the parent/guardian.

Despite technological advancements and automation of systems in most learning institutions in Kenya, the ease to avail a child’s examination results or fee balances to a specific parent/guardian is something most schools are still struggling with.

The struggle is because most of the school processes automation software acquired do not have a communication module and this is where Sikizi for Schools comes in to bridge the gap.

“Download, sign-up/register, login, import students’ details and parents contacts, buy SMS credits and then get your message across” process of the free web to SMS communication solution for schools makes it easy for any learning institution to adopt and communicate effectively.

Sikizi for Schools’ flexibility to import output from any school accounting or examination processing software in form of excel files makes it the ultimate solution to communication in any school environment.

Download Sikizi for Schools

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